Before I go any further, though, I have to say to any national security-associated agencies that any murder or serious crimes discussed here are purely theoretical. I am not about to go on any murderous rampage or crime spree.
My problem is that there are a lot of stupid - or at the very least superficial - people who are considered role models.
The cast of shows like TOWIE, MIC, Jersey and Jeordie Shore, are just some of them. How is it that a man who can't even tell the time has become a household name in the UK? This same man should be kept in primary school until he can one, tell the time, and two, talk without an accent that makes me want to stuff my ears with nitroglycerin and a lit match.
My other pet hate is Katie Price, AKA Jordan. This woman is famous for only two things:
A) her unholy obsession with pink.
B) Her tits,
And frankly, I have no interest in either. I've heard people say "Oh, but she's a fantastic businessperson!"
Yeah, well, so is Sir Alan Sugar, and he didn't have to get his dick out to become a fantastic businessman!
Katie Price and the cast of TV shows like the ones I've mentioned above should disappear, because they'll be responsible for a generation of brainless bimbos and whores. They'll spawn a generation who have unhealthy obsessions with big boobs and perverted sex, but think that electricity is caused by fairies farting on the National Grid.
If I were a total pessimist, I'd say they are, single handedly, the most probable cause of the Apocalypse and the extinction of humanity.
But I'm not going to rant only about famous cases of stupidity. I'm also hateful of the everyday kind of stupid people, who turn up on Jeremy Kyle surprised that unprotected sex leads to legions of unwanted, if not only unexpected babies.
Here's where I absolutely WISH, with all my heart, that forced time in a monastery or a nunnery was a compulsory thing, because of the following:
1) Monasteries and nunneries are two ENTIRELY different places. Monasteries are for monks, or male nuns. Nunneries are women only places, but both place equal value on chastity. If anything, these places can teach more self control than health ed teachers screaming "DON'T HAVE SEX! IT'LL TURN YOU INTO THE HULK!" at teenagers through megaphones.
2) They are more than likely to teach respect for other people. I know that the Church has had a lot of stick for paedophilia, and Islam has had a lot more stick because of the nutters known as ISIS, but stupidity makes dicks of us all.
Please, PLEASE don't think I'm mistaking stupidity for ignorance, here. Stupidity is inherent, almost genetic. Ignorance can be fixed by locking the ignorant individual in a half decent, non-fiction library for a week with the relevant amount of food and water, and no access to the internet.
My other category for stupid people is people who take religion as an absolute truth. The kind of people like the Westboro Baptist Church who hate gays, soldiers, and just about everybody.
To these people I have two points to make. Firstly, you can't really hate gays when your Messiah had two dads, and turned out just fine. In fact, it can be said that you've made a bigger fuss of him for the last 2,000 years than you've done for gay people. Secondly, you're stupid if you think that gays, your Son of Man aside, are going to make shit parents simply because they can't have kids.
My evidence: all of the "good couples" who put their kids up for adoption. Let gay couples adopt all of the kids that are put into the system, and we might just prevent some crimes further down the line.
Secondly, if you've got such a big problem with soldiers, then go fight their battles for them. If you come back, and still have a problem with them, then maybe I'll actually stop thinking that your argument's a stupid one.
Because here's a nasty reminder for you: Religion has caused more than its fair share of wars, not to mention persecution. But I've already covered religion, and recently, so stupid religious people can step back out of the spotlight once again.
My point is, looks mean nothing if you have nothing to back them up. Granted, Audrey Hepburn is remembered almost entirely for her looks and her acting career. But I respect her enormously - no, she is my ROLE MODEL because she sacrificed her career for her as yet unborn children, became a UNICEF Goodwill ambassador, all after dancing ballet to collect money for the Dutch resistance during World War II, and even acting as their courier on occasion.
She was never a stupid woman, regardless of how often she was chosen for movie parts due to her looks. She was smart, she was capable, she was big-hearted, she was brave time and again in her life.
As Frank Zappa once pointed out:
"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life."
Much as I hope both he and I get proved wrong, I fear all too much that he's right.
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